A Mindful Life MD

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

In my 8-week MBSR course participants are systematically trained in formal and informal mindfulness practices through:

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness practices

  • Gentle mindful movement

  • Group dialogue

  • Online resource materials and video conferencing

The program consists of:

  • Orientation (required for enrollment)

  • Eight weekly classes, 2.5 hours each

  • One All-Day class between classes 6 and 7

  • Daily home practice assignments

You must be willing to make a strong commitment to attend all classes and to practice daily home assignments for eight weeks.


"By the time you have been practicing for eight weeks, you will have enough momentum and direct personal experience with the practice to keep going with it for years, perhaps even for the rest of your life, if you choose to."

Jon Kabat-Zinn, Founder of MBSR

Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. New York:Bantam Books, 2013.

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MBSR orientation - Intro & program overview, meet teachers, Q&A
MBSR week 1 - Bodyscan,raisin meditation,informal mindfulness practices
MBSR  week 2 - Bodyscan, perception, attentional focus, informal mindfulness practices
MBSR week 3 - Awareness to pleasant events, mindful movement, sitting meditation
MBSR week 4 - Awareness to unpleasant events, understanding stress reactivity, mindful movement, sitting meditation
MBSR week 5 - Midway reflection, mindful response to stress, sitting meditation, mindful movement
MBSR week 6 - Mindful communication,sitting meditation, mindful movement
MBSR All day class - variety of meditations: walking, mountian, loving-kindness, mindful eating and other practices
MBSR week 7 - paying attention to what you take in, presonalizing practices, informal mindfulness practices in daily life
MBSR week 8 - Moving forward, sustaining mindfulness practice
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"Interestingly, the eight-week MBSR program is really just a beginning or a new beginning.

The real adventure is and has always been your whole life."

~ Jon Kabat-Zinn, Founder of MBSR

Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Full Catastrophe Living : Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness. New York :Bantam Books, 2013.

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